
Monday of the Second Week of Lent

Healing is a sacrament because its purpose or end is not health as such, the restoration of physical health, but the entrance of man into the life of the Kingdom, into the "joy and peace" of the Holy Spirit. In Christ everything in this world, and this means health and disease, joy and suffering, has become an ascension to, and entrance into this new life, its expectation and anticipation.

In this world suffering and disease are indeed "normal", nut their very "normalcy" is abnormal. They reveal the ultimate and permanent defeat of life, a defeat which no partial victories of medicine, however wonderful and truly miraculous, can ultimately overcome. But in Christ suffering is not "remove"; it is transformed into victory. The defeat itself becomes victory, a way, an entrance into the kingdom, and this is the only true healing.

Alexander Schmemann

醫治 是一項聖禮,因為其目的並不是健康,亦即身體的康復,而是人進入國度生命,進入聖靈的「喜樂與平安」的入口。在基督裡,世上的一切事,亦即健康與疾病,喜樂與受苦,已經變成上升通往所期待與指望的新生命之入口。

