
【摘譯】Luther's Eucharistic Sermon in Easter Wednesday of 1534

In this way the dear Lord desired to preserve the remembrance of himself, the knowledge of himself, and faith through his Supper and testament lest he die away in our heart. For this reason he instituted this Supper to remain forever, that his death be perpetually held in remembrance, by which we are acquitted from sin and eternal misery....For ther is continually a new generation of young people growing up, who need not only instrucyion in the Word to come to know Christ and be saved, but to continue in this outeard form of worship, so that they always have reason to glory in their Saviour and to be comforted in him....However, this Sacrament or Supper was not solely instituted as a mean of glorifying Christ. For he can doubtless say, I don't need your praise, I can dispense with you; I am the Son of God whether you praise me or not; I am neither better or worse for your praise. But it was also because we need this testament and Supper, for it is for our benefit.

